Early Head Start
Providing FREE, comprehensive preschool services for income eligible children ages 6 weeks to 3 years and their families.
Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership
In January 2014, Congress appropriated $500,000,000 to expand the number and quality of early learning opportunities for infants and toddlers through Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships (EHS-CCP) and Early Head Start (EHS) Expansion grants
The EHS-CCP program enhances and supports early learning settings to provide comprehensive and continuous services. It increases access to high-quality, full-day, full-year child care, including family child care, for low-income working families. The program also supports the development of infants and toddlers through strong relationship-based experiences and prepares them for the transition into Head Start and preschool.
EHS-CCP brings together the best of EHS and child care through layering of funding. All infants and toddlers attending an EHS-CCP program benefit from facilities and homes that are licensed and meet safety requirements. Children in classrooms with EHS-CCP-enrolled children also benefit from qualified teachers receiving ongoing supervision and coaching to support implementation of curriculum and responsive caregiving. Only enrolled EHS-CCP children are eligible for direct family-specific benefits such as home visits, health tracking and follow-up, and individualized family support services. However, EHS-CCP programs operationalize services to ensure there is no segregation or stigmatization of EHS-CCP children due to the additional requirements or services.
The EHS-CCP program brings together the strengths of child care and EHS programs. Child care centers and family child care providers respond to the needs of working families by offering flexible and convenient full-day/full-year services. In addition, child care providers have experience providing care that is strongly grounded in the cultural, linguistic, and social needs of the families and their local communities. Through the EHS-CCP program, child care centers and family child care providers have access to resources to provide the comprehensive services needed to support better outcomes for the nation’s most vulnerable children. EHS is a research-based program that emphasizes the importance of responsive and caring relationships to support the optimal development of infants and toddlers. EHS provides comprehensive family-centered services that adhere to the Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS) to support high-quality learning environments. Integrating EHS comprehensive services and resources into the array of traditional child care and family child care settings creates new opportunities to improve outcomes for infants, toddlers, and their families.
Parent Online Application
For eligible children under 3 years old, apply now for the Early Head Start 2021-22 academic school year by clicking on the link (to the right) and filling in the online application.